"Out of the blue" nghĩa là gì?

Người cũ bất ngờ gõ cửa: "Em không có chỗ nào để ngủ tối nay..." -> bạn sẽ làm gì?. Photo courtesy KelseyyBarbara.

'Out of the blue' có từ the blue là bầu trời; vì thế cụm từ này nghĩa là hoàn toàn bất ngờ, bất thình lình, không báo trước (như "từ trên trời rơi xuống").

Ví dụ
Proposal out of the blue at Hastings aquarium.

A charity which champions the rights of migrants (người nhập cư) has come under fire (bị chỉ trích) after shutting its English language school “out of the blue”.

As well, the out-of-the-blue trade unarguably (không thể cãi được) sent a strong message (thông điệp mạnh mẽ) to the players and to fans that general manager Alex Anthopoulos was unwilling (không mong muốn) to stand pat as Friday’s non-waiver trade deadline looms.

If your ex knocked on your door one night out of the blue and said, “I have no place to sleep,” what would you do?

Out  of the blue, Vice President Agnew spoke up. It was all "pussyfooting," he said. If the sanctuaries (mật khu, chiến khu) needed to be cleaned out, then the U.S. should get on with the job. Both Fish Hook and Parrot's Beak should  be attacked (tấn công) and  done  right. Nixon,  who hated  to seem  less tough than  his advisers, was taken aback (ngạc nhiên).

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