Transform_Jan 3

Wherever you are is the entry point.
- Kabir

Many of us have been taught to believe that we must first complete rigorous efforts at self-improvement before we will be worthy to attempt something as lofty as awareness practice or spiritual practice. Not so. Wherever you are is the perfect place to begin - anything!

Assignment: Today, notice that you have already begun to practice awareness at a deeper lever than before.

As by WikipediaKabīr (1440–1518) was a mystic poet and saint of India, whose writings have greatly influenced the Bhakti movement. The name Kabir comes from Arabical-Kabīr which means 'The Great' - the 37th name of God in Islam.
Apart from having an important influence on Sikhism, Kabir's legacy is today carried forward by the Kabir Panth ("Path of Kabir"), a religious community that recognizes him as its founder and is one of the Sant Mat sects. Its members, known as Kabir panthis, are estimated to be around 9,600,000. They are spread over north and central India, as well as dispersed with the Indian diaspora across the world, up from 843,171 in the 1901 census. His writings include Bijak, Sakhi Granth, Kabir Granthawali and Anurag Sagar...

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