Sơn chống đi tiểu bậy lên tường

Một loại sơn công nghệ cao mới sẽ chuyển ngược nước tiểu về phía người, giúp hạn chế tình trạng coi đường phố như nhà vệ sinh ở Đức...

The port city of Hamburg is a cultural hotspot of Europe. The grimy (đầy bụi bẩn, cáu ghét) streets of central St Pauli, a rough neighbourhood where sailors once passed their time on shore, are lined with a hotchpotch (mớ hổ lốn) of trendy (thức thời) bars, clubs and music venues – as well as the handful of seedier (xơ xác, ủ rũ) establishments which made Hamburg infamous.

every year this single square mile attracts more than 20 million visitors (20 triệu du khách mỗi năm) looking to sample the city’s nightlife.

Unfortunately, the same lively party spirit which enticed the Beatles here 50 years ago has long caused a headache for local residents – in particular, the boozy party-goers stumbling out of strip-clubs and bars along the length of St Pauli’s red-light district (phố đèn đỏ), the Reeperbahn, and urinating (đái bậy) against houses and on the streets.

Now, fed up with (chán ngấy) waiting for the authorities (đợi chính quyền) to tackle it (giải quyết), a local community group is trying to solve the problem itself – by covering the walls with intensely hydrophobic (water-repellent) paint (sơn không thấm nước) (dùng trong ngành đóng tàu) and letting “splash-back” do the work... Liquids which come into contact with the paint apparently splash directly off the surface, right back on to their owner. The end result? Wet shoes and trousers for all these wildpinkler (“free pee-ers”)...

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