"Thin-skinned" nghĩa là gì?

'Thin-skinned' (da mỏng) nghĩa là dễ mếch lòng, dễ chạm tự ái (sensitive to criticism or insults / hypersensitive, easily offended, easily hurt, touchy, defensive), đối nghĩa với "mặt dày".

Ví dụ
The Curmudgeon: thin-skinned artists.

National Post View: The thin-skinned blue line.

Hillary Clinton can't afford to be thin-skinned on sexism.

He sees thin-skinned public officials (quan chức) using their authority (thẩm quyền) to silence (làm câm lặng, bịt miệng) citizens when they don't like what they're saying.

A proud, ambitious, and thin-skinned man, Washington also must have sensed their occasional condescension.

Phạm Hạnh

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