Quyền năng đích thực

Grand Master H. U. Lee*. Photo courtesy Ed Schipul.

Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power.
~ Tao Te Ching

Biết người là trí tuệ; biết mình là thông tuệ đích thực. Làm chủ người khác là sức mạnh; làm chủ chính mình là quyền năng đích thực.

Bài trước: Đừng nhầm lẫn

* By making Little Rock, AR the International Headquarters for the ATA, Grand Master H. U. Lee has become one of Arkansas's greatest ambassadors who helped build a bridge of friendship through his love and guidance and who dedicated his life to bringing thousands of people from around the world into the Songahm Family through the Spirit of Taekwondo.

Taken from the base of the statue. Apparently quite a generous and great man to have earned such an honor.

Did you know him? Tell us his story?
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