"Have feet of clay" nghĩa là gì?

Feet on clay, Federer. Photo courtesy Marianne Bevis.

'Feet of clay' nghĩa là chân đất sét dễ bị lật đổ, ở thế không vững (an expression now commonly used to refer to a weakness or character flaw, especially in people of prominence).

Ví dụ
By 'feet of clay' we mean that China has developed an unbalanced higher education system.

As PM, Prachanda seemed to be a statesman - with feet of clay. He showed some traits that were distinctly un-revolutionary.

I think what she realizes in the course of this story is that as we although growing up sometimes your idols have feet of clay.

Eventually Lu discovers that her father has feet of clay, but also comes to understand that a hero can never be better than his times.

Phạm Hạnh

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