Bí quyết sống khỏe mỗi ngày

theo nghiên cứu của chuyên gia về sống thọ Dan Buettner thì những người hạnh phúc nhất thế giới, mỗi ngày họ: xem TV dưới 30 phút, mạng xã hội dưới 30 phút, nghe nhạc ít nhất 2 giờ, ngủ từ 6 đến 9 tiếng, làm tình nguyện hết mình 2-4 tiếng/tuần, tập thư giãn/thiền, du lịch ít nhất 4 tuần/năm, đọc 1 quyển sách mỗi (2) tháng, have sex (càng nhiều càng vui)...
Dear Dan,

Is this column the best use of your time? For that matter, how should one decide how best to use one’s time, especially leisure time?


The way we spend our time, much like the way we spend our money, is mostly a question of opportunity cost. If you spend an hour reading, that’s an hour that you can’t spend training for a marathon.

People vary somewhat in what makes them happy, but the longevity expert Dan Buettner has found some general lessons. His research shows that the world’s happiest people, in an average day, spend less than 30 minutes watching TV, devote just 30 to 60 minutes to social media, listen to music for at least two hours and get six to nine hours of sleep. They also volunteer two to four hours a week, practice relaxation techniques, take at least four weeks of vacation a year, read a book at least every other month, engage in sexual activity (the more, the merrier, Mr. Buettner says), and have close friends who are racially and ethnically diverse.

All that may be too much of a lifestyle change for you, but try picking a few of the elements that seem simplest to implement—and over time, try to take on more.

Tags: health


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