Nhắm mục tiêu quảng cáo theo sở thích của đối tượng

công ty khởi nghiệp Synaps Labs có thể hiện quảng cáo trên biển lớn ngoài trời, tùy chỉnh theo chiếc xe bạn lái (theo nghiên cứu của đại học Stanford, từ chiếc xe được sở hữu, có thể đoán ra thu nhập, chủng tộc, trình độ học vấn của khu dân cư, quan điểm chính trị...)

Last November if you were driving a BMW x5 or a Volvo XC60 on the highway ringing Moscow, you might have noticed a digital billboard on the side of the road flash an ad just as you approached, one for a new SUV from Jaguar.

If it was evening, you saw an ad with a dark background, helping the car stand out. In bad weather, you saw it maneuvering in the snow.

Targeted advertising is familiar to anyone browsing the Internet. A startup called Synaps Labs has brought it to the physical world by combining high-speed cameras set up a distance ahead of the billboard (about 180 meters) to capture images of cars. Its machine-learning system can recognize in those images the make and model of the cars an advertiser wants to target. A bidding system then selects the appropriate advertising to put on the billboard as that car passes.

...recent research from a group of university researchers and led by Stanford found that—using machine vision and deep learning—analyzing the make, model, and year of vehicles visible in Google Street View could accurately estimate income, race, and education level of a neighborhood’s residents, and even whether a city is likely to vote Democrat or Republican.

Tags: technology

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