Ngày Valentine gượng gạo

giả, thương mại hóa của tập đoàn để tăng sales, biết là chồng cũng mong đợi quà và bữa ăn tối ngon miệng, nhưng không chịu được bọn marketers thủ đoạn này...

-> dù sao cũng là dịp để nhớ đến người thân yêu, nếu thấy ngại thì tặng vào ngày hôm trước (em yêu nhé :)
Dear Dan,

This Valentine’s Day, as usual, I felt it was a fake, commercial love holiday designed by corporations to maximize their own wealth at our expense. Next year, I swear, I’ll skip the holiday altogether. I know that my husband will expect a gift and a nice dinner, but I have a hard time giving in to these manipulative marketers. What should I do?


Gift-giving is an amazing way to increase human connection, friendship and reciprocity. We don’t give gifts enough to the people we love most. So, while we all know that Valentine’s Day is a commercial invention, at least it makes us think about our loved ones and our relationships—and that’s good.

My advice: Stick to the dinner-and-a-gift policy. And if it’s just too hard for you to do on Valentine’s Day, do it the day before.

Tags: marriage

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