Tất cả vì quốc tế cộng sản

muốn hiến tinh phải... trung thành với Đảng

One of China's biggest sperm banks (ngân hàng tinh trùng) will demand loyalty to the Communist Party from its donors as part of the screening process.

...The bizarre requirement is considered a sign that China's increasing emphasis on ideological training is being extended to the womb.

They must 'love the socialist motherland (tổ quốc xã hội chủ nghĩa), support the leadership of the Communist Party, be loyal to the party's cause and be decent, law-abiding citizens, free of political problems,' the hospital said.

Those who successfully donate after undergoing two rounds of medical checks, to assess the quality of their semen and general fitness, would be paid about £623.

Tags: china


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