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[khi chúng ta đang "mây mưa"]

nghiên cứu gần đây cho thấy, 10% số người được hỏi thừa nhận họ 'kiểm tra điện thoại' khi đang làm tình

Checking the phone may take priority, even during some intimate moments

In addition, the study finds people 18 to 34 years of age are almost twice as likely to check their phone during sex than those 35 to 51 years of age.

The survey data was gathered from 1,000 participants.

Out of the 10 percent that admitted to checking their phones while getting romantic, 43 percent said they checked their phones during those moments two to 10 times in the past year.

...SureCall is a cell phone signal booster company.

Tags: sex

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