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kẻ sát nhân mới bị tuyên án có tội -> đấm liên tiếp vào đầu luật sư biện hộ

defendant (bị cáo) Travis Jamaar Davis and his three co-defendants had just been convicted (kết án, tuyên bố có tội) of felony (trọng tội) murder (giết người, sát nhân) related to the 2016 death of Courtney Levar London when the courtroom fracas (cuộc ẩu đả ầm ĩ) began. Davis, the reported triggerman in London’s shooting death, punched (đấm) lawyer Daniel Hernandez repeatedly in the back of the head and soon after, his co-defendant Kelvon Grimmage joined in.

...“I got about five punches to the back and the side of my head, forehead. I got a few bumps (sưng) and bruises (thâm tím), some scratches (vết xây xát, xước, trầy da),” the attorney (luật sư) said. “I’ve been trying cases for almost 40 years, and I’d never been struck by a defendant before.”

Bài trước: Đi làm luật sư

Tags: funny

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