Thượng đỉnh Mỹ Triều đổ bể điều đã được đoán trước

để "bắn tín hiệu" tới tq rằng sẵn sàng rời bàn đám phán, nếu ko thích, chứ ko phải cố đạt thỏa thuận cho bằng được, về 'đàm phán thương mại' 2 nước Mỹ-Hoa...

President Trump’s willingness to walk out on North Korea may prove to be a very good lesson for China. Will Trump also walk out on President Xi?

The signal he’s sending today, about walking away, is that he’s prepared to do that if he doesn’t like the deal,” said Jon Hilsenrath of the Wall Street Journal on FOX Business on Thursday.

..."Basically, they wanted the sanctions lifted in their entirety, but we couldn't do that ... we had to walk away from it," Trump told reporters after summit talks were cut short on Wednesday evening.

Tags: china


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