Bước đi sai lầm nào khiến Món Huế "sập chuỗi"?

đến cuối năm 2018, công ty này ghi nhận khoản lỗ lũy kế gần 107 tỷ đồng.
Multiple outlets of the Vietnamese restaurant chain Mon Hue have shut down over the last few days while the company’s headquarters is left untenanted (không được thuê mướn) as more than 100 suppliers are hunting for the firm’s leaders to collect outstanding debts.

Mon Hue is the oldest of the nine restaurant brands operated by Nha hang Mon Hue Co., Ltd under parent company Huy Vietnam. Founded in 2006, Huy Vietnam at the time expressed its ambition to become one of the leading and largest self-managed food and beverage companies in the Southeast Asian country. The company has since expanded its business to include more than 200 restaurants throughout the country, with Mon Hue accounting for half of the outlets.

...A handful of Mon Hue restaurants in Ho Chi Minh City have ceased operation for days. Small notices are glued onto the restaurants’ closed doors, informing customers of the sudden hiatus (chỗ gián đoạn, chỗ đứt quãng, chỗ thiếu sót (trong một loạt sự vật, một bài tường thuật, một loạt chứng cớ...)).

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