Covid-19: cần đảm bảo một thị trường cạnh tranh

như sau thế chiến ii, đánh thuế mạnh vào phần lợi nhuận vượt trội so với mức tiền chiến, để đảm bảo ko doanh nghiệp nào quá hưởng lợi khi cả nước đang thiệt hại,

và cần khảo sát sức khỏe chung các lĩnh vực khác nhau, đảm bảo có sự cạnh tranh lành mạnh chứ ko bị thống trị bởi một vài doanh nghiệp (may mắn) xoay xở vượt qua khủng hoảng,
...A third lesson is to monitor market competition, or the lack of it. A common complaint in the first half of the 20th century was that war conditions (điều kiện thời chiến) were particularly favorable (rất thuận lợi) to monopolization (độc quyền): Certain companies were either favored by the state or well placed to take advantage of the war effort, and many smaller firms struggled, eventually being bought out by larger ones with deeper pockets. We can see similar trends unfolding in this crisis: Companies such as Amazon, Netflix, Facebook, and Zoom find themselves providing the goods and services that are necessary at the moment, while others, typically smaller businesses without the financial wherewithal to stay afloat, are in trouble through no fault of their own. During the First and Second World Wars, excess profit taxes, levied on profits above prewar levels, were used to make sure no company benefited disproportionately at a time of great national suffering. We shouldn’t just consider using these taxes again, but, in time, we should also survey the general health of different sectors, checking that they are still characterized by healthy competition, rather than dominated by a lucky few who have managed to survive.

Tags: economics

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