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sợ tiền bị nhiễm virus corona, cho vào máy sấy tẩy trùng -> cháy rụi gần 10 triệu đồng luôn... :D

a resident (cư dân) of Jiangyin City in the southern Jiangsu province known only as “Aunt Li” attempted to disinfect the notes because she was worried the coronavirus was present on them.

As many people in China still use cash (tiền mặt), Ms Li was concerned the notes had exchanged hands often, including being touched by people infected (nhiễm) with the virus.

But after less than a minute in the microwave, the notes began to burn and had turned black.

In a panic, Ms Li took the charred notes to a nearby branch of China CITIC Bank for advice but the cash was unsalvageable (không thể cứu được, ko vãn hồi được), 

Tags: china

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