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điều khiển robot trong... lỗ đít :D

In a world’s first, a team of scientists at Purdue University built a tiny microrobot that can be operated inside a colon (ruột kết) of a living animal.

The goal is to one day allow such Lilliputian machines to deliver drug (đưa thuốc) payloads (trọng tải) to different parts of a patient’s body, greatly enhancing their effects (hiệu ứng, tác dụng) and applications.

The robot itself is only as wide as a few human hairs and navigates (lái tàu đi khắp (biển, sông...)) its colon environment by essentially doing back flips. The movement allows it to traverse “rough terrain,” or in this case, the colons of live anesthetized (gây tê, gây mê) mice (chuột) and colons excised from pigs.

Bài trước: Nơi cuối cùng
Tags: health


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