"There's gold in them there hills" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash

"There's gold in them there hills" = có vàng ở ngọn đồi kia -> nghĩa là nơi này/việc này rất có triển vọng để kiếm tiền. 

Ví dụ
Pandemic brings us all closer together- and that can only better for business .Let me say this: a crisis (khủng hoảng) can be good for business. We might all be reeling (quay cuồng, lảo đảo) from the effects of lockdown, but there’s “gold in them there hills”.

In 1885 the Harney Peak Tin Mining Company sent a “young lawyer to the Black Hills to handle mining claims,” because of the gold rush. “There’s gold in them there hills” was a common phrase used shortly after the gold was discovered in 1874 — and it started a stampede (chạy loạn) to the Black Hills by thousands in search of the precious metal and it was only natural that land claims would follow.

“This was like loading up a backboard and going cross-country to California, because there’s gold in them there hills, kind of thing,” he chuckled (cười thầm).

Anais was raring (nôn nóng) to go after finding five small specks a few days earlier near Golden. “She gets the tiniest little pieces, but it’s so fun,” said Teri. “We’ve been watching the Beverly Hillbillies.” She stopped, looked at the surrounding mountainous area and added, “There’s gold in them there hills.” And while the hunt for gold was a fun family outing, the real treasure, she said, was time spent together in a beautiful and quiet setting.

Ngọc Lân

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