"Diseases of the soul are more dangerous than those of the body" nghĩa là gì?

Nỗi đau tinh thần thật khó để nói bằng lời. Photo by Daria Sannikova from Pexels

"Diseases of the soul are more dangerous than those of the body" nghĩa là nỗi đau tinh thần khó lành hơn nỗi đau thể chất. Câu nói này được cho là của Marcus Tullius Cicero, một chính khách và triết gia người La Mã.

Ví dụ
Moreover, he ascribed (quy cho) mental illness to emotional disturbances (rối loạn cảm xúc), to passions, and distinguished between delusions (hoang tưởng) and hallucinations (ảo tưởng)... However, diseases of the soul are both more dangerous and more numerous than those of the body.

He has to exhibit and prescribe a remedy (kê đơn) that will cure every disease and malady (bệnh tật) to which the souls of men are or can be subject. If this medicine be received and taken, life and health infallibly (luôn luôn) follow. It never fails of curing all the dire diseases of the soul, infinitely more dangerous and fatal than those of the body.

As Cicero observed long before the advent (xuất hiện) of modern lifestyles and contemporary neuroses (loạn thần kinh), 'Diseases of the soul are more dangerous and more numerous than those of the body.' It is fair to say that today many Westerners are suffering from what seems to be spiritual malaise (bất ổn tinh thần) with much accompanying mental dysfunction (rối loạn).

Pascal believed that there are diseases of the soul that are much worse than the diseases of the body. We sleepwalk (mộng du) through too much of life. Or we sleep run. We are automatons (người máy) in high gear. And we are out of touch (lỗi thời) with the deepest and most important issues we need to address. We cut ourselves off from the deepest sources of wisdom and guidance and then complain about how our lives are going. 

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