Lắp đèn pha led siêu sáng thì có bị xử phạt không?

dùng đèn pin thay đèn pha thì ko quá sáng nhé... :)
A driver in Washington was pulled over after police noticed the headlights (đèn pha) on his car had been replaced by flashlights (đèn pin).

...Upon inspection, the officer realized that the headlights on the car had been replaced by flashlights, which is illegal (bất hợp pháp) in the state as it does not meet the lumen requirements (yêu cầu độ sáng).

The car appears to have noticeable damage (thiệt hại, hư hại) to the front of the car and the headlights seem to have fallen or broken off. The lights were running out of power, and the motorist was driving on a suspended license,

Tags: funny

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