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công ty công nghệ sinh học lớn nhất thế giới - tập đoàn bgi (liên quan tới quân đội china) tranh thủ cơ hội covid-19 để thu thập dna mọi người, nhằm chiến thắng trong cuộc đua kiểm soát dữ liệu sinh học toàn thế giới...
The largest biotech firm (công ty công nghệ sinh học) in the world wasted no time (không lãng phí thời gian, không chậm trễ) in offering to build and run COVID testing labs (phòng xét nghiệm covid) in Washington, contacting its governor (thống đốc, chủ tịch tỉnh) right after the first major COVID outbreak in the U.S. occurred there. The Chinese company, the BGI Group, made the same offer to at least five other states, including New York and California, 60 Minutes has learned.

This, along with other COVID testing offers by BGI, so worried Bill Evanina, then the country's top counterintelligence officer (sĩ quan phản gián), that he authorized a rare public warning. "Foreign powers can collect, store and exploit biometric information from COVID tests" declared the notice. Evanina believes the Chinese are trying to collect Americans' DNA to win a race to control the world's biodata.

...Thanks partially to Evanina's efforts, none of the states accepted the offer of the BGI Group, which he says has close ties to China's military and ruling Communist Party. "This shows the nefarious (hung ác, bất chính) mindset of the Communist Party of China, to take advantage of a worldwide crisis like COVID," says Evanina. A veteran of the FBI and the CIA, he recently stepped down, but not before sounding the alarm. "We put out an advisory to not only every American, but to hospitals, associations, and clinics (phòng khám). Knowing that BGI is a Chinese company, do we understand where that data's going?"
Tags: china

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