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3 năm trước, một kỹ sư đã cảnh báo lỗi kết cấu rồi, nhưng dự án sửa chữa mãi ko được triển khai, và tối thứ Năm tuần rồi tòa Champlain Towers South sụp...
Three years before the deadly collapse of the Champlain Towers South condominium complex near Miami, a consultant found alarming evidence of “major structural damage” to the concrete slab (phiến, tấm, thanh, miếng) below the pool deck and “abundant” cracking and crumbling (vỡ vụn, đổ nát) of the columns, beams (xà, rầm) and walls of the parking garage under the 13-story building.

The engineer’s report helped shape plans for a multimillion-dollar repair project that was set to get underway soon — more than two and a half years after the building managers were warned — but the building suffered a catastrophic collapse in the middle of the night on Thursday, trapping sleeping residents in a massive heap of debris (đống đổ nát).

The complex’s management association had disclosed some of the problems in the wake of the collapse, but it was not until city officials released the 2018 report late Friday that the full nature of the concrete and rebar damage — most of it probably caused by years of exposure to the corrosive salt air along the South Florida coast — became chillingly apparent.

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