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Bộ Y tế Argentina bỏ ra 3,2 tỷ đồng để mua 10.000 dương vật bằng gỗ (cho mục đích giảng dạy)... :D

Argentina's Health Ministry has called for tenders to purchase a large assortment of items, including 10,000 wooden human penises for educational purposes.

Other needs to be fulfilled at the State's expense are 10,000 dispensers of condoms, which will be manufactured in such a way that they can be hung in public buildings and 10 thousand turquoise briefcases, stamped and with ribbons to the tone, together with the replicas of the male genitalia packed in one hundred boxes of one hundred units each.

Also among the condition to be fulfilled by bidders is that the sculptures (tượng) be neatly polished and measure around 17 centimeters.

The items will reportedly be used for sexual education activities (hoạt động đào tạo giới tính) and will entail a disbursement (giải ngân) of US $ 138,964...

Tags: sex


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