Bỏ đi thôi

Ý ko bắt buộc người dân đeo khẩu trang,

ko đếm các ca nhiễm nữa (sẽ rất nhiều), thay vào đó, chú ý tới những ca rất nặng, cần chăm sóc đặc biệt, cần tới máy thở...
England has removed nearly all coronavirus restrictions. Germany is allowing vaccinated people to travel without quarantines. Outdoor mask mandates are mostly gone in Italy. Shopping malls remain open in Singapore.

Eighteen months after the coronavirus first emerged, governments in Asia, Europe and the Americas are encouraging people to return to their daily rhythms and transition to a new normal in which subways, offices, restaurants and airports are once again full. Increasingly, the mantra (câu thần trú) is the same: We have to learn to live with the virus.

...People are being encouraged to shift their pandemic perspective and focus on avoiding severe illness (ốm nặng) and death (tử vong) instead of infections (nhiễm), which are harder to avoid. And countries with zero-Covid ambitions are rethinking those policies.

...Officials in Singapore announced plans to gradually ease restrictions and chart a path to the other side of the pandemic. The plans included switching to monitoring the number of people who fall very ill, how many require intensive care and how many need to be intubated (luồn ống vào (khí quản...)), instead of infections.

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