Chế độ Apartheid về khẩu trang

nhà giàu ăn uống thì không cần đeo lại khẩu trang, nhưng phục vụ bàn phải đeo khẩu trang...

I am increasingly disturbed (bối rối, lúng túng) by what I call “mask

apartheid.” If you have attended a conference (hội thảo) or public event recently, you may have noticed it: The wealthier attendees are not usually wearing masks, but the poorer servers and staff almost always are.

Even if the attendees are wearing masks at the beginning, the masks come off once they start wining and dining — and they usually don’t go back on. Isn’t this a sign that mask-wearing is no longer so essential (không còn cần thiết)? At the very least, it sends a mixed message: If you want to be comfortable (thoải mái) eating and drinking with your peers, it’s OK to take off your mask — but it’s not OK if you want to be comfortable serving food, carrying heavy trays and describing the dessert menu.
Tags: health

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