Giải đáp vướng mắc của Hộ, cá nhân kinh doanh về khai thuế năm 2022

nhớ liệt kê tiền bán ma túy, nhận hối lộ, biển thủ, ăn cắp, làm điếm... vào nhé :D

According to IRS publication 17, the Internal Revenue Service wants taxpayers to include on their forms “income from illegal activities, such as money from dealing illegal drugs.” Make sure you put that on “Schedule 1 (Form 1040), line 8z, or on Schedule C (Form 1040) if from your self-employment activity (hoạt động tự doanh),” the IRS wrote.

The agency also requests that “if you steal property, you must report its fair market value (giá thị trường),” but only if you don’t “return it to its rightful owner in the same year (không trả lại chủ trong cùng năm).”

The somewhat obscure provisions (điều khoản mơ hồ/khó hiểu) went viral this week after a popular finance-meme social media account and daily newsletter author pointed them out.

Tags: funny


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