Vậy là bạn cũng có thể mổ não

câu "khoa học tên lửa" và "mổ não" để chỉ người thông minh là không đúng đâu,

cũng người thường như nhau thôi :)

By comparing the intelligence of 329 aerospace  (không gian vũ trụ) engineers, 72 neurosurgeons  (nhà giải phẫu thần kinh) and 18,257 members of the public, their new study suggests those in these esteemed (kính mến, quý trọng) professions are no smarter than the rest of us.

“'It’s not rocket science’ and ‘It’s not brain surgery’ are common phrases that describe concepts or tasks that are easily understood or performed,” the neurosurgeon-led study stated. “Although some public debate has occurred as to which pursuit is more difficult, it seems that the two phrases have not been subjected to rigorous scientific scrutiny.”

The peer-reviewed study was published Monday in the Christmas edition of The BMJ, formerly known as The British Medical Journal. The BMJ’s annual Christmas issue features quirky and lighthearted academic papers.

Bài trước: Vâng, xin cảm ơn
Tags: science

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