Không có Tập hay Putin ở nước Mỹ

các tổ phụ lập quốc đã tính hết trong hiến pháp rồi...
trích dẫn hôm nay… is from page 165 of Phil Gramm’s, Robert Ekelund’s, and John Early’s excellent 2022 book, The Myth of American Inequality: How Government Biases Policy Debate:

Knowing that some people had extraordinary (phi thường) amounts of both ability (khả năng) and ambition (tham vọng), the Founders (tổ phụ lập quốc) set about to build a government where the talented (tài năng) and ambitious could not seize control (nắm quyền kiểm soát) and use the power of government to endanger (làm nguy hại) the freedom (sự tự do) and property of others. They equally feared both the man on the white horse and the enflamed masses who, by either force or the ballot box (hòm phiếu), might seize the power of government and use it to destroy the rule of law (pháp trị).

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