Hãy nhìn cách người ta đối xử với động vật để biết xã hội đó văn minh đến đâu

lễ hội pháo hoa chào đón năm mới ở Scarborough, North Yorks, nước Anh phải hủy để không ảnh hưởng tới... chú hải mã đang thủ dâm :D

As huge crowds (đám đông) gathered to see the Arctic mammal lounging at a harbour, council officials axed (cắt bớt) the light show so he was not disturbed (không bị quấy rầy).

But parents (cha mẹ) had to cover their children’s eyes (che mắt trẻ em) when the two-ton beast (con thú) appeared to perform a solo sex act on the slipway on Saturday.

Footage of Thor’s un-family friendly performance in Scarborough, North Yorks, went viral on social media (mạng xã hội).

One wag joked: “Walrus misunderstood ‘Are you coming to Scarborough fair’?”

...An aquarium spokesman said: “Please do not worry — he appears well and is just taking a well-deserved rest after his long adventure. Be respectful of his rest and try not to disturb him.”

Bài trước: Rất nam tính
Tags: sciencesex


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