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ở Florida, người dân treo miếng rửa xe trên ô tô để ra hiệu sở thích "đổi vợ cho nhau"...


Residents from the Florida retirement complex the Villages, which The Post reported on in 2009 as being a “wild retirees getaway,” have been caught on video displaying loofahs on their cars, allegedly to distinguish their swinging sexual styles.

“The Villages is rocking out with their loofahs out!” one commenter quipped.

“My grandmother lives in Florida. One time, she very seriously said, ‘I think I’m gonna move to The Villages. They know how to have fun’ and we all died,” one scared grandchild wrote.

...A Reddit thread from three years ago posted a helpful guide called “Loofah Code” as to what each color loofah represents. Loofahs come in seven different colors — each with a different swinger meaning.

White is for beginners and black is for those who want it all at the complex. Other colors, including teal, are apparently reserved for those who identify as bisexual. Purple is for those who like to watch.

Bài trước: Dã man con gà

Tags: marriage


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