
Photo courtesy Barney Moss . Flow with whatever may happen, and let your mind be free: Stay centered by accepting whatever you are do...


Palestra - Next generation cloud-based e-commerce applications Jinesh Varia, Amazon Web Services. Photo courtesy Marcio Okabe . '...


Photo courtesy Forest Runner . Don't look for someone who will solve all your problems. Look for someone who won't let you fa...


Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton talks about her new book, "Hard Choices". Photo courtesy LBJ Foundation . '...


Cuộc đời chẳng dễ dàng hơn mà chỉ là ta trở nên mạnh hơn... Bài trước: Từ bỏ sự hoàn hảo


Photo courtesy Barta IV . You're not in the perfect business. Stop pretending that's what the world wants from you. Truly p...


Photo courtesy Neal Fowler . Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant. ~ Robert Louis Steve...