The Gates of Heaven

Nobushige, a great samurai, sought out Hakuin and asked: "Is there really a heaven and a hell?"
"Who are you?" asked Hakuin*.
"I am a samurai," Nobushige replied.
"You?" Hakuin snorted. "What lord would employ you? You look like a begger!"
A furious Nobushige began to draw his sword, but then Hakuin said, "Here open the gates of hell."
Nobushige took the point, sheathed his sword, and bowed.
"Here open the gates of heaven," said Hakuin.
*Hakuin Ekaku (January 19, 1686 - January 18, 1768) was one of the most influential figures in Japanese Zen Buddhism. He revived the Rinzai school from a moribund period of stagnation, refocusing it on its traditionally rigorous training methods integrating meditation and koan practice. Hakuin's influence was such that all Rinzai Zen masters today trace their lineage through him, and all modern practitioners of Rinzai Zen use practices directly derived from his teachings.
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