Transform_May 2

You won't skid if you stay in a rut.
- Kin Hubbard

Along these lines, Alan Watts wrote a book titled "The Wisdom of Insecurity." One of my favorite quotes is "I don't want to tiptoe through life just to arrive safely at death." (I don't remember who said it.)

Assignment: Today, practice finding the part of you that does not value being in a rut, the part that is not afraid to live with joyous abandon.

Frank McKinney Hubbard (born 1 September 1868 in Bellefontaine, Ohio - died: 26 December 1930 in Indianapolis, Indiana) was an American cartoonist, humorist, and journalist better known by his pen name "Kin" Hubbard. He was creator of the cartoon "Abe Martin of Brown County" which ran in U.S. newspapers from 1904 until his death in 1930, and was the originator of many political quips that remain in use. North American humorist Will Rogers reportedly declared Kin to be "America's greatest humorist."...
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