"Stand one’s ground" nghĩa là gì?

This little spider was on her way when suddenly she was startled by a quick moving thing in front of her. It was brilliantly camouflaged Praying Mantis! A tiny fella. The mantis stood its ground and the spider moved away. Photo courtesy Vipin Baliga.

'Stand one’s ground' có một từ mới là ground nghĩa là mặt đất, khoảnh đất. Stand one's ground có nghĩa là giữ vững lập trường, không thay đổi ý kiến. Thành ngữ này xuất xứ từ thế kỷ thứ 17, khi quân đội của một nước giữ vững lãnh thổ của mình chống lại sự tấn công của quân thù.

Ví dụ
Joyce is dating (hẹn hò) a man who is 15 years younger than she is. Even though her parents don’t approve (chấp thuận), she refuses to change her mind (không chịu thay đổi ý kiến). She’s standing her ground because she really likes the guy.

David insists on (nhất quyết) playing video games right after school. However his mom has stood her ground. She told him that he was not allowed (không được phép) to play games until after he had finished his homework and cleaned up his room.

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