"Face only a mother could love" nghĩa là gì?

The front end of Osperalycus tenerphagus showing three of its legs and the unusual structure of its skin. Photo courtesy Samuel Bolton.

'Face only a mother could love' nghĩa là một bộ mặt rất xấu xí (chỉ có mẹ ruột mới thương được), ngoài ra, người Mỹ cũng dùng 'face that could stop a clock' (bộ mặt khiến đồng hồ ngừng quay) với nghĩa tương tự.

Ví dụ
The poor baby has a face only a mother could love. 
Look at that guy. That's a face that could stop a clock.

From the land of Madagascar, the aye-aye has a face only a mother could love and eyes that will haunt (ám ảnh) your dreams. The aye-aye is the largest nocturnal (về đêm) primate (động vật linh trưởng). He uses his long, boney (gầy trơ xương) middle finger to scoop  (vớ, hốt) grubs (ấu trùng, giòi) from trees.

A hodge-podge (mớ hổ lốn) of mismatched appendages (phần phụ) with seeping (rỉ ra) wounds and patches (miếng vá). Scars (vết sẹo) from surgeries to repair bursting arteries (đường giao thông chính). Stitches (mũi khâu) and seams (đường may) zigzagging their length and breadth. Roads in Rio Rancho have a face only a mother could love, and monsoon (mùa mưa) season transforms them into a real monster.

Meet Osperalycus tenerphagus, a newly discovered dragon-like mite. This mite has a face only a mother could love. But when you are not looking for a mate it doesn’t matter if you are attractive or not. This tiny species, with individuals less than a millimeter long, has evolved an all-female lineage. No males and no mating. They just lay eggs that don’t need to be fertilized (thụ tinh), making little clones of themselves.

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