"The swing of the pendulum" nghĩa là gì?

Mirrored Foucault Pendulum. Photo courtesy Hitchster.

'The swing of the pendulum' có từ swing là sự thay đổi (từ ý kiến này sang ý kiến khác) và pendulum là quả lắc hay người hay do dự dao động, do đó cụm từ này có nghĩa là sự thay đổi của công chúng từ cực này sang cực khác.

Ví dụ
Life has lots of ups and downs (thăng trầm) like rolling hills (những ngọn đồi nghiêng ngả). It’s full of oscillations (sự dao động) with good days and bad days like a pendulum moving side to side. And the scariest part is we often don’t know where we are on the hills or the swing of the pendulum.

Britain used to be seen as a paradigm (mô hình) of strong and stable government, made possible by the dominance of two large parties with mass support alternating in power through the swing of the pendulum. This model is now of historical interest only.

This marks a distinct (khác biệt, dễ nhận thấy) mood-reversal from the YouGov poll that was conducted over the last weekend, which showed 51 per cent in favour of independence and 49 per cent against. The swing of the pendulum back to a pro-Union mood in Scotland is seen as the result of a concerted effort (nỗ lực phối hợp) by an alarmed establishment faced with the very real possibility that Scotland would vote to be independent.

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