"Out of focus" nghĩa là gì?

Out of focus. Happy bokeh friday! Photo courtesy Eric Wüstenhagen.

'Out of focus' có từ focus là tiêu điểm, tiêu cự (của một thấu kính); vì thế cụm từ này nghĩa là mờ mờ không rõ nét.

Ví dụ
Key part of San Francisco bodycam policy is still out of focus.

Surprisingly for a conversation between "The Donald" and "The Hockey Mom," the interview itself was rather banal (vô vị, nhạt nhẽo), slightly out-of-focus and light on the big boasts (khoe khoang, khoác lác) and unfiltered (không lọc) talk that have endeared (làm quý mến) Trump to his supporters.

Carson's prime (quan trọng nhất, hoàn hảo) asset at this point may well be his likability (tính dễ thương, đáng yêu), a form of political currency that cannot be minted (đặt ra, tạo ra). But being a nice guy carries a candidate only so far, and at times Carson drifted in and out of focus like a ghost among the living, sort of there and sort of not.

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