Chuyển tiền ra nước ngoài dễ dàng

chuyển tiền kiểu Trung Hoa: phiên bản 2.0: dựng lên 1 hợp đồng ma và làm sao để chắc chắn... thua kiện nhé,

China limits its residents to sending overseas $50,000 a year, except for a few extenuating (giảm nhẹ tội) circumstances (tình huống) including business-related payments. As a weakening economy and pressure on the Chinese yuan trigger a cascade (thác nước, chảy như thác) of capital  (vốn, tư bản) racing out of the country, Beijing has intensified (tăng cường) regulatory scrutiny (kiểm tra kĩ lưỡng, nghiên cứu cẩn thận) of all funds trying to leave.

But China’s experience has often proved that money will find a way to flow where it wants. In a post published on Sunday on Seattle-headquartered law firm Harris & Moure’s China Law Blog, Mr. Harris detailed his conversation with an adviser to a Chinese company. The adviser had called him essentially to ask Harris & Moure to help the Chinese company deliberately (cố tình) lose a lawsuit (thua kiện) for a phony (giả mạo) breach of contract (vi phạm hợp đồng) that would result in a payout of $3.5 million, which the Chinese company would then send to the U.S.

The money, as it turns out, would be paid to entities (chủ thể) in the U.S. controlled by the Chinese company itself.

Tags: china


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