Cách chữa bệnh mất trí nhớ

đó là làm tình nhiều hơn, nhất là đối với người già, các nhà nghiên cứu phỏng vấn 6.800 người trong độ tuổi 50-89 trên toàn nước Anh kết luận như vậy :)
Have SEX to ward off dementia (bệnh mất trí nhớ) – especially if you're an 'older man' scientists claim.

Getting frisky (nghịch ngợm, nô đùa) between the sheets (dưới chăn) could benefit your brain health, according to a Coventry University study.

Older men who enjoyed regular love-making showed signs of a healthier brain (não).

In particular, they were able to recall lists and recognize patterns.

The men who were sexually active scored 23 per cent higher on the word tests and three per cent higher on the number puzzles (câu đố). But it wasn’t just the men who benefited from a healthy sex life. Sexually active women also scored higher on the tests.

Researchers believe sex hormones, like dopamine and oxytocin, which are linked to the part of the brain responsible for reward, could help cognitive function (chức năng nhận thức).

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Tags: sex


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