Kinh Thánh bạo lực hơn kinh Quran

anh Anderson dùng phần mềm phân tích văn bản tự tạo, và chỉ mất 2 phút để thấy được rằng kinh Cựu Ước bạo lực gấp 2 lần kinh Quran.
By categorising words into eight emotions - Joy, Anticipation, Anger, Disgust, Sadness, Surprise, Fear/Anxiety and Trust - the analysis found the Bible scored higher for anger and much lower for trust than the Quran.

Mr Anderson summarises: "Of the three texts, the content in the Old Testament appears to be the most violent.

"Killing and destruction are referenced slightly more often in the New Testament (2.8%) than in the Quran (2.1%), but the Old Testament clearly leads—more than twice that of the Quran—in mentions of destruction and killing (5.3%)."

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