Điển hình tốt về "chính quyền hỗ trợ dân"

mở lớp học hướng dẫn "ỉa ngoài trời cho đúng cách", đối tượng là những người đi phượt (dù bằng xe máy hay xe đạp), bơi thuyền, leo núi... :D

participants will learn the ins and outs of properly pooping outside without access to a “formal flushing facility.”

Chapin said this workshop would be useful to anybody who goes hiking, biking, paddling or just spends extended time outdoors.

“It’s a class on what to do in the event nature calls—while in nature,” Chapin said.

She said this Thursday’s class will teach attendees how to properly dispose of human waste while leaving no trace and the various ecosystem considerations for hikers to think about, whether it’s “number one or two.”

Tags: funny

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