Sóng âm-liệu pháp thay thế Viagra

dùng viagra vừa có tác dụng phụ, vừa phải lên kế hoạch trước hàng tiếng,

giờ đây, niềm hi vọng mới đang được thắp lên cho cánh mày râu, sóng âm :)

Viagra and similar drugs work by increasing blood flow (lưu lượng máu) to the penis (dương vật), but men who use them have to plan sex around the drugs, and side effects can include headaches (đau đầu), dizziness (chóng mặt), nasal (mũi) congestion (tắc nghẽn) and sudden hearing loss. An alternative, called extra-corporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT), could provide a longer-term solution,

One study of ESWT involved 112 men with erectile dysfunction. Half received five weekly doses of low-intensity sound waves directed at six sites along their penis. The other half received a placebo (giả dược). At the start of the study, none of the men were able to have penetrative sex without medication. By the end, 57 per cent of the treated men said they were having intercourse (giao hợp), compared with 9 per cent of the men who received the placebo.

The treatment seems to increase blood flow to the penis by encouraging the growth of new blood vessels,

Tags: sex

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