Điều bạn chưa biết về tinh trùng

là chúng bơi thành đàn khi chất lưu xung quanh nhớt và đàn hồi nhé... :)
Physicists studying the motion of sperm (tinh trùng) have found that the little swimmers flock together in tight groups if the surrounding fluid is "viscoelastic" (nhớt và đàn hồi).

Such fluids - including the mucus (nước nhầy) which sperm have to negotiate - are not only thick but have some bounce and stretch; they spring back when disturbed.

Watching bull (bò) sperm swim in different fluids, the scientists found that this gloopiness (độ nhớt, độ dính) caused them to bunch up (chụm lại thành bó, thành cụm).

If the liquid was thick or thin but not elastic (đàn hồi), they tended to swim solo.

Viscoelastic fluids - like nasal mucus (cứt mũi), silly putty or melted mozzarella (pho mát trắng của Ý) - are common in biology.

And they include the mucus found in the reproductive (sinh sản) tract (ống),

Tags: sex


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