"Be quick with child" nghĩa là gì?

Pregnant warrior. Photo courtesy Bonbon.

'Be quick with child' nghĩa là (sản phụ) sắp đến ngày sinh (at a stage of pregnancy when movements of the fetus have been felt).

Ví dụ
Despite Read’s heroics, she and the rest of Calico Jack’s crew were captured and charged with piracy. Read avoided execution by admitting she was “quick with child,” but she later came down with a fever and died in prison.

For most of England’s history, a female accused of a crime would be entitled to an all-female jury of matrons if she “plead the belly.” The female jury would examine her to determine whether she were “quick with child.” Such a determination could mean the difference between a death sentence and a reprieve (giảm tội, ân xá).

The English jurist William Blackstone wrote in 1770, “To be saved from the gallows (giá treo cổ) a woman must be quick with child—for barely with child, unless he be alive in the womb, is not sufficient.” In other words, a fetus whose movements could not yet be detected was not yet fully alive. An 1812 Massachusetts court case, Commonwealth v. Bangs, confirmed that pre-quickening abortions “would remain beyond the scope of the law.”

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