"Play the fish" nghĩa là gì?

Cá đẹp quá, đừng chơi. Photo courtesy Judit Klein.

'Play the fish' nghĩa là làm cho con cá đuối sức do lôi ngược dây câu.

Ví dụ
Or guys play the fish too long because they're nervous, that hole in its mouth gets wider, and with one jump the bass (cá vược) is gone.

With a good drag and ample room to play a fish, the longer rod gives you the necessary leverage to play the fish on ultra-thin line.

I only had the rod (cần câu) for one week when I let Jamie have a go. At that moment he got a big bite from this monster of a pike. I took over the rod just to play the fish and get it in position and then gave it back to Jamie so he could reel (cuộn dây câu) it in.

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