"Smooth her ruffled feathers" nghĩa là gì?

A juvenile Little Blue Heron fluffs its feathers! Photo courtesy Andy Morffew.

'Smooth (somebody's) ruffled feathers' có từ ruffle là làm rối, làm xù lên (rối tóc, xù lông...), ngoài ra còn có nghĩa là chọc tức, làm mếch lòng; vì thế cụm từ này nghĩa là làm nguôi, xoa dịu ai (đang xù lông, xù cánh) (to try to make someone feel less angry or upset, especially after an argument).

Ví dụ
It was obvious that the patient's mother was very agitated (khích động, lo lắng, căng thẳng), but I tried to smooth her ruffled feathers.

If his talk about potential redesigns of the project were meant to smooth ruffled feathers among opponents, it doesn't appear to be working.

When you find yourself feeling irritated and overcrowded, take a deep breath, go for a walk, count backwards from ten — whatever you need to do to smooth out your ruffled feathers. Try to be patient with your partner; after all, if you’re feeling claustrophobic (mắc phải nỗi sợ bị giam giữ, chật hẹp, tù túng), he or she probably feels the same way.

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