"Die behind the wheel" nghĩa là gì?

Photo courtesy Dino Kužnik.

'Die behind the wheel' = chết sau tay lái -> nghĩa là chết khi đang lái xe, tử vong do tai nạn xe cộ (to die in an automobile accident in a car that one is driving).

Ví dụ
Idaho is seeing more and more people die behind the wheel because of alcohol.

The advent of the smartphone sent us over the top. I now routinely ask auto executives when they — the experts on what causes people to die behind the wheel — are going to push back against the tech industry and its obvious agenda to keep us ceaselessly glued to our phones (defensive driving is no match for push notifications). I usually get a very ambivalent answer to that one.

About 1 in 5 organs used for transplants come from car crash deaths. If self-driving cars mean fewer people die behind the wheel, what does that mean for the organ shortage? Roughly 6,500 people in the U.S. die waiting for an organ transplant every year. That doesn't even include those cut from the list because they're "too sick." The bright side is that technology is working on alternatives. Scientists have found a way to genetically engineer pig DNA so those organs could eventually be safe and dependable to use in humans.

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