"At the best of times" nghĩa là gì?

Photo courtesy Alexander Lyubavin.

'At the best of times' nghĩa là ngay cả khi điều kiện hoàn toàn thuận lợi nhất (even in the most favorable circumstances).

Ví dụ
Ranui Station isn't a nice place at the best of times and at night, it is even worse.

Blue and tranquil, the busy waters of the Bosphorus are good-looking enough at the best of times.

In recent weeks short sellers, who endure a difficult and lonely existence at the best of times, have been suffering even more than usual.

At the best of times, it is difficult to make sense of events in Kashmir as these go from street turbulence and stone-throwing to LoC duels and attempts at infiltration (thâm nhập).

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