Để chồng hào hứng khi đi siêu thị

siêu thị ở Trung Quốc có chỗ cho các ông chồng chơi game (điện tử 4 nút, tank, zeep...) trở về với tuổi thơ, miễn phí...
A Chinese mall has introduced “husband storage” facilities for wives to leave their spouse while they shop.

the Global Harbour mall in Shanghai has erected (lắp ghép, dựng đứng thẳng, cương lên) a number of glass pods for wives to leave any disgruntled (cáu kỉnh cằn nhằn) husbands that don’t want to be dragged around the shops.

Inside each individual pod is a chair, monitor, computer and gamepad, and men can sit and play retro 1990s games. Currently, the service is free, but staff told the newspaper that in future months, users will be able to scan a QR code and pay a small sum for the service using their mobile phones.

Bài trước: Tượng trong sở thú
Tags: china

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