Công nhân nhà máy dệt đi về đâu?

cách mạng 4.0, robot tự động hoàn toàn, một robot thay thế 17 công nhân,

đừng nghĩ đến tăng lương nữa, không mất việc là may,

Chinese clothing manufacturing giant Tianyuan Garments is certainly intrigued. They’re getting ready to open a 100,000 square foot factory in Little Rock, Arkansas that will feature 21 SewBots. They’ll be able to produce around 1.2 million t-shirts a year.

Until now, a company like Tianyuan Garments probably wouldn’t have considered opening a U.S.-based facility because of high labor costs. According to a report from Quartz, those costs could amount to as much as $7.47 for a single shirt. SewBots can turn them out for just 33 cents each, which is marginally more expensive than having shirts sewn by hands in Bangladesh.

Tags: economics

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